
Get An Online Homeschooling Tutor

We Provide Classes For Homeschoolers

Get the support and attention your child needs to succeed through online homeschooling

Looking for a more Evolved Online Homeschooling System?

📖 How School Was Created: A Brief Tale 🌟

Once upon a time, a businessman named John D. Rockefeller, had a vision for the school system. He looked at the way things were done in Prussia and said, "Hey, let's make schools that pump out workers who follow orders like clockwork." 🏭🤖

Now more than ever, people are starting to realize that the system is “broken” because it forgets to celebrate our unique talents and ideas. It promotes some creativity and admonishes others. Instead of encouraging us to dream big, it sometimes feels like we're just ticking boxes. 📦💔


Our Mission 

Here we are at OLA, we try to create a place where everyone can shine and be themselves; where mistakes are not punished, but seen as important keys to the destination

Let’s rewrite this story to be all about creativity, curiosity, and building a world where every student feels heard and valued.


What we can't promise

🚫 We don’t “push” learners with barriers to “understand” work that they’re not able to.

🚫 No manipulation – whether aiming for academic success or setting a different bar (that is within the capacity of the student) your journey is respected and accommodated for.

🚫 No cramming for academic excellence; we're all about creating a supportive space without any coercion. We only focus on the empowering and important parts of the curriculum.

🚫 No pushing unready learners; Motivation that does not come directly from the learner is often temporary and useless; personal responsibility is key.

Live Online Zoom Classes

Instant WhatsApp Support

See a Drastic Improvement in grades

Our Services

Option 1: LARGE Groups

Grades 1 - 11

👭 Class Setup: Live Zoom lessons. Engaging sessions with a dedicated tutor.

👩‍🎓 Student-Centric Approach: Emphasis on individuality over academics. Students work at their own pace and. Socialization is encouraged.

Option 2: SMALL, focused Groups

Grades 1 - 11

👭 Class Setup: Live Zoom lessons Engaging sessions with a dedicated tutor.

👩‍🎓 Student-Centric Approach: Recommended for kids with learning barriers Emphasis on individuality over academics. Students work at their own pace. Socialization is encouraged.

Option 3: PRIVATE

Grades 1 - 11

👩‍🏫Tailored Support: Ideal for special requirements such as: tuition in languages such as Afrikaans or Zulu.
Ideal for kids with severe learning barriers that need an emotionally intelligent and mature tutor
Ideal for gifted kids who want to combine grades and need laser focus

📚 Curriculum Choices: Your child can follow a curriculum of their choosing, like Cambrilearn, Brainline, Impaq or ThinkDigital, etc.

Option 4: Make your own package

Grades 1 - 11

📚 Choose Your Curriculum: Customize your child's education by selecting a curriculum that aligns with their needs and goals.

👩‍🏫 Personalized Tutoring: We match you with a qualified and emotionally equipped tutor based on your requirements.


Frequently Asked Questions

Most definitely – you need only ask.
We also have an online meeting with our new students to welcome them,
and to get to know them better before school starts.
Here’s a playlist of some of our lessons:

We are just a message away. You can connect with the tutor
directly on whatsapp and you never feel alone or left in the lurge.

Yes, we have trained professionals on our team who have
experience working with all kinds of learning barriers. They are
patient and excited to help your child break through their
perceived limitations, regardless of what the barrier is.

Yes, all homeschoolers need to be registered with the
Department of Education. We serve as the “tutor”.

We are not a school but a tuition academy. This means that
we help you master your subjects, and we take you through the
curriculum you have bought. You have to sign up with an online
homeschool curriculum such as Impak.

No unfortunately we do not do so yet, but we will in the future, so be sure to join the waitlist!

The Difference You Will See

A SIGNIFICANT improvement in marks
Each Student Gets To Thrive In THEIR Personality
Fun Stress-Free Evenings And Holidays
Flexibilty To Travel And Learn
Growth Into An Independent, Confident Learner
Bully - Free Environment

Registration Process


Fill in the registration form below

Student Gets Interviewed

To ensure that we have dedicated students and a bully-free environment, we have a brief interview with our students so that learning is fun for everyone

Sign Up With Impaq

Get signed up with the accredited and trusted homeschooling curriculum
Impaq has a once off fees of R5000 - R9600 for the year, depending on the grade